Architecture: PG studio
Lead Architect: Mohammad Majidi
Design Team: Nazanin Azmayesh ,Bahar Ehsan, Mehran Haghbin, Zahra Khaniki, Shahram Khosravi, Kouhyar Samiei, Azar Farshidi
Location: Tehran, Iran
Architecture Firm: Bonsar Architects
Interior Design: Persian Garden Interior Design, Mahsa Majidi ,Anousheh Ahmadi
Landscape Design and Construction: Babak Mostofi Sadri
Construction: Persian Garden Interior Design
Supervision: Bonsar Architects
Design Date: 2007
Completion: 2012
Area: 1100 sqm
Structure: Kouros Etaati
Mechanical Consultant: Kambiz Pishghadam
Electrical Consultant: Amir Azmayesh
Photographer: Ali Daghigh
Client: Ramtin Moayeri
Awards: 1st Place in Memar Award in the section of Residential buildings, 2014
Tehran municipality’s regulations about the plots locating on a junction as well as the proportions of the plot, imposed a peculiar triangular footprint on the project. This confining rule turned out to be the starting point of the design process. First, the two edges of the triangle which formed the façade were unfolded, and the whole façade was designed as one single face. After locating the spaces and designing the openings, the façade was folded back again, but this time none of the folding lines at each level were the same.